Mayor’s Message

Mayor Barry KletkeAs the Mayor of Trochu, Alberta, I will be the first to admit that I have a biased opinion in favour of our little gem of a town. I would like to share some interesting facts about Trochu. I believe that you will be in awe when you see our community spirit and perhaps you too will decide that Trochu is a place to make your home.
The first consideration in Trochu is the quality we can offer:

  • Country living with bigger cities 45 minutes to 2 hours away
  • Very low crime rate
  • School hosting Kindergarten to Grade 12 with exceptional teachers
  • Recreational facilities including a golf course, outdoor swimming pool, arena, ball diamonds, and a community centre
  • Tourist attractions such as the Arboretum, St. Anne’s Ranch, Museum, and Dry Island Buffalo Jump and Red Deer River within 15 minutes
  • Variety of local churches and religious opportunities to give the people of Trochu an ideal place to put down roots and raise a family.

Logistics is a consideration in any relocation event so let me acquaint you with our geographical positioning. We are located in South Central Alberta on Highway 21, which is the 2nd most used North/South Highway behind Highway 2. We are 2 ½ hours S.E. of Edmonton for you Oiler fans, 1 ½ hours N.E. of Calgary for you Flames fans, 50 minutes S.E. of Red Deer, 40 minutes straight East of Olds.

Our main industries are agriculture and oil & gas. We also have Sunterra Meats which employs over 50 full time staff. For industry purposes we are convenient to railway, shipping, and trucking transport.

These are the facts but you must experience the charm of our Town and the incredible hospitality of all the people in our community to truly understand why we pride ourselves to call Trochu home.

Economic Development is the highest priority for Trochu, so if you’re looking for a move please call us first as we will be very accommodating.

~ Mayor Barry Kletke