Compost Pick-up on hold until 2025
Starting Again in May! Details of how it needs to be collected are at the bottom of this page!
Furniture bins will be at the site for the month of May
Scavenging at the Trochu Transfer site is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
This prohibition is due to liability issues.
An area where items of value can be dropped off for reuse by the general public will remain, monitored by Public Works staff.
Location: Straight East of Trochu on North Road
Winter Hours: Starting October 1
Thursday from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Friday and Saturday from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Summer Hours: Starting May 1
Thursday from 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Friday and Saturday from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
We accept: Tires; Batteries; Paint; eWaste (Computers, TVs, etc); Metal (including Appliances); Wood; Cardboard, Compost; and Household Garbage.
Please note that the Trochu Transfer Site does not accept construction material.
As per Town of Trochu Rates and Fees Bylaw 2019-02 effective March 1, 2019 All appliances containing FREON will have a $20.00 per appliance drop fee (for example fridges, freezers, A/C units, etc.)
E-waste like computers and TVs are accepted throughout the year and the electronics recycling program has recently been expanded to include many other items. To see a list of examples of acceptable items, please click the banner below.
Garbage Collection
Residential Pick-Up Wednesday
Commercial & Cardboard Pick-Up Tuesday & Thursday
- All refuse must be securely bagged, tied or boxed. Any refuse that is not securely bagged, tied or boxed will not be picked up.
- There is a three bag limit. Tags to put on additional bags may be purchased at the Town of Trochu Office at $1.00 per tag.
- Compost must be in an approved compost bin – these can be purchased through the town office. STARTING August 15th, 2014 Compost will NO LONGER be picked up in plastic bags! Compost must be in approved bin, paper bag or CLEARLY marked compostable bags only! Acceptable materials include: grass clippings, vegetable peelings, light garden waste, leaves, etc. NOT sticks. Starts Again in May , 2025
- Trochu does have recycling pick up at your door: Recycling
- If you’d like you can still bring newsprint and cardboard to the Transfer Site to be recycled: Transfer Site Recycling Information