Come to the Trochu Museum to see a new travelling exhibit!
From Vimy to Juno features stories and photos focused on Canada’s role in WWI and WWII, with content added from the Trochu & District Museum archives to connect these stories to our local veterans and their families.
It will be viewable at the Museum from June 15th to July 6th.
Come to the Trochu & District Museum on Thursday, June 21st, from 7pm to 9pm for a special Meet A Veteran night!
Talk to your local Veterans, view the new From Vimy to Juno travelling exhibit, and listen to some war-era songs sung by Pleasant Company.
Join Trochu’s Town Council for a Public Engagement Meeting on Tuesday, June 26th, 7:00pm at the Baptist Fellowship Centre.
There will be a presentation to give Trochu residents the facts on our taxation and budgeting, and an idea of what some possible futures could be.
After the presentation there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion.
We hope to see you there!
The Trochu Agricultural Society is hosting several events this Canada Day long weekend!
Saturday, June 30th:
The Trochu Rank Mini Pony Rodeo, Wild Pony Races and Mutton Busting @ the Ag Society outdoor arena
- Mutton Busting Sign up from 11 am to 12pm, max 25 participants, first come, first serve
- Wild Pony Races Sign up from 11 am to 12 pm, max 6 teams
- Rank Mini Pony Rodeo will start at 1pm.
- Bouncy Castles and Face painting available all day.
- Sweetgrass Café will provide concession for the day.
Trochu & District Dance @ the Trochu Arena
- Free entry starting at 9pm
- Rock Steady to open, DJ to follow.
- Drive home service is available from 10pm till 2:30am
Sunday, July 1st:
First event of the Trochu Ag Society Gymkhana Series
- $30 entry. Cash prizes.
- Best 3 out of 4 events qualifies for the grand prize.
The Trochu Agricultural Society is hosting a Trochu & District Dance at the Trochu Arena, starting at 9pm on June 30th!
Free entry. Rock Steady to open, DJ to follow.
Drive home service is available from 10pm till 2:30.
8am to 10am – Pancake Breakfast @ Trochu Community Centre
10am – Line Up for Parade Entries @ Trochu Arena
11am – Parade!
11:30am – Seniors Drop In is serving hot dogs & ice cream for $6.00
2pm to 5pm – FREE Public Swim @ Pool
5pm to 7pm – Roast Beef Supper @ Trochu Community Centre with Cash Bingo & $1000.00 Elks Ticket Cash Draw