2024 Land Use Bylaw Updates

The updated Land Use Bylaw was passed by Council on August 12th, 2024, please click here to view.

This page will be preserved temporarily for reference.


Land Use Bylaw Update:

The Town of Trochu is working with Palliser Regional Municipal Services (PRMS) to update the Town’s Land Use Bylaw (LUB) in collaboration with the Town Council and its residents. The new LUB will replace the current version of the Trochu Land Use Bylaw 2015-09.

The draft LUB and land use district map can be viewed HERE or at the Office. The draft Land Use District map that shows the proposed rezonings can be viewed here:


What is a LUB?

A Land Use Bylaw directs the use and development of lands and buildings. By establishing land use districts (zoning), the LUB regulates the types of activities and buildings that can occur on any specific property. It also contains regulations, such as building height, maximum parcel coverage and building setbacks from property lines. The LUB is the tool that the long-term vision and goals of the Trochu Municipal Development Plan (Bylaw 2023-05) are implemented on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of the LUB is to enable development, while minimizing the potential impacts on adjacent neighbours.


What is the review process and timelines?

PRMS is currently gathering feedback on the draft LUB from the residents and businesses of Trochu. An open house is being held on Tuesday May 14, 2024 at the Trochu Baptist Fellowship Centre from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. You are invited to attend the open house and discuss the draft LUB with Palliser staff.

Following the open house, the draft LUB will be revised as necessary. The draft LUB will then be presented to Council for approval by bylaw, which is anticipated to occur in June or July 2024. A formal public hearing will be held to provide the opportunity for affected persons to speak to Council which is anticipated to occur in the summer of 2024.


What is proposed to change from the current LUB 2015-09?

The draft LUB is significantly different from the current Land Use Bylaw 2015-09. Some of these changes include:

  • reorganization and reformatting to make the LUB easier to read and understand;
  • ensuring the LUB meets the new requirements of the Municipal Government Act; for example issuing complete application notices;
  • ensuring all uses and terms are defined for clarity;
  • eliminating the need for permits for developments which have low impact, such as certain signs, minor home occupations, and solar panels;
  • creating a new use for fences, and inserting fences as a discretionary use in residential districts;
  • clarification of development permit application requirements;
  • requiring a notice of application to be mailed to adjacent landowners for all discretionary uses prior to a decision being made;
  • increasing the variance power of the Development Officer to 20% from 10%;
  • greater detail of bylaw enforcement, including violation tags and tickets;
  • ensuring the correct land use districts are applied to each property and appropriate uses are listed in each district;
  • slight density increases in residential districts, such as Duplexes in the R-1 District;
  • the creation of a new R-1S Small Lot Residential District;
  • greater detail on the construction of Accessory Dwelling Units;
  • removing all regulations related to Telecommunication Structures, and creating a new proposed Telecommunication Structure Policy in alignment with Industry, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) process. The draft Telecommunication Structure Policy can be viewed HERE.


What are the next steps in the process?

Following the open house on May 14, 2024 all feedback received will be used by PRMS to inform further revisions to the LUB.

Once a final draft LUB is ready, it will be provided to Trochu Council for the first of three readings of a bylaw. A public hearing will be held prior to second reading.

Council can make changes to the draft bylaw at any of the three readings to address any concerns expressed at the public hearing or concerns of Council.