Youth/Childrens Services

Drumheller Health Centre 351 - 9th Street NW Drumheller
Long Business Description

The Big Country Outreach Program is operated by the David Thompson Health Region and is a division of the Pediatric Rehabilitation Assessment and Consultation Services.  This traveling therapy team provides assessment, treatment and consultation services to children having complex medical health needs (ie., experiencing difficulties in at least two of the following areas: physical, fine or gross motor, self-help, social/emotional, academic, speech-languag3e, and/or developmental delays).  The therapy team consists of a Speech-Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Child Psychologist, and Educational Consultant.  Services are provided in the family home, school or ECS setting, daycare, Big Country Outreach Program offices or local Health Care Centres.  Admission to the program is by physician referral.

Contact: Kate Heptonstall, Coordinator

Business Phone Number
Business Fax
4905 - 50 Avenue Box 4233 Olds
Long Business Description

Provides the following services: Adoption, Child & Youth Support, Child Care; Licensing-Monitoring-Subsidy, Child Intervention, Community Engagement, Early Intervention Programming, Family Violence - Prevention/Protection, First Nations/Metis Relations, Foster Care, Family Support for Children with Disabilities, Protection for Children Involved in Prostitution.

To call toll free dial 310-0000 (Rite Line) then the number.

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Business Fax
Long Business Description

Children's Rehabilitation Services is a program within Alberta Health Services Central Zone. Children's Rehabilitation Services provides evaluation of and strategies for questions or concerns you might have regarding your child's development. These concerns could include how your child speaks, hears, moves, their abilities with cutting, colouring or learning to print. Other areas could include feeding, picky eating, sensitivity to noises, clothing or how things feel, or development of toleting and dressoing skills. The team consists of an Occupational Therapist, Speech-Language Pathologists, a Physical Therapists, Therapist Assistants, and a Social Worker

Business Phone Number
Business Fax
Box 400, 779 2nd St. N. Three Hills / Kneehill Regional FCSS Building
Long Business Description

Early child development programs for parents and caregivers with children birth to 6 yrs usually for 6 weeks at a time. Explore interactive play times, meet other families as well as borrow a book and video resources through the Kneehill Family Coach.  Do a free ASQ and ASQ-SE forms for a snapshot of how your child is doing, receive a free gift card and fun activities as well as referrals to appropriate services if needed.  Family Fun and Triple P Parenting consults, tip sheets, seminars and group sessions available.
Trochu and Area Parents, Kneehill Parents and Tots also have updated info.
Contact: Mariah Bates – Kneehill Family Coach.
Call/text: 403-443-3064

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Box 1727 Three Hills
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
Business Name
Long Business Description


Trochu Arena, 407 Royal Way 403-442-4266
Three Hills Arena, 202 - 3rd Ave. N. 403-443-5665