Live local band - including drummer, bass guitarist & lead vocalist for hire - We do weddings, gigs/parties, Christmas events - Celebrations of all kind !!
Todd Hunt 403-443-8230
Tokens Available at GTI
Contacts - Peter McRae, Matt McRae, Chester McRae
Alcoholics Anonymous is a support group for those experiencing difficulty due to their use of alcohol. Alanon is a support group for those experiencing difficulty due to the drinking of another person.
7:30 on Wednesdays in Trochu
Contact Fiona at 403-877-1350
Provides early intervention mental health services (e.g., crisis intervention, grief counselling, education) to adults and children and referral to other community resources as required.
Contact: Micaela Brietzke, RN (Psychiatric)
"Always Serving Community," since 1974 ASC has provided home and community supports to children and adults with special needs and their families. This includes in-home workers who can assist a child and family with: behavioural challenges and developmental growth or an out-of-home support worker for community access and respite care.
Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Monday to Friday
Olds Office: 4322 50th Avenue, Box 3940
Strathmore Office: Bay 4, 5219 50th Avenue
Drumheller Office: 105 - 3rd Avenue East
High Hoe & Bobcat
Provides the following: Income and Personal Supports such as the Supports for Independence Program, Child Support Services, Assistance to find and Maintain Employment, Workplace Standards and Relationships, and Labour Market and Workplace Information.
To call toll free dial 310-0000 (Rite Line) then the number.
180 Riverside Drive
Box 2079
T0J 0Y0
Offers confidential outpatient treatment services to individuals with alcohol, drug, tobacco, or gambling problems. Referalls can be made to adolescent and adult inpatient programs. Preventative education programs available as well as a website. Councellor visits Three Hills satellite on a regular basis.
Call Toll Free to 1-866-332-2322.