Welcome to the Town of Trochu

Community Donation Program Application For Sunterra Workers is now closed

Thank you for proving that in Trochu, even the toughest moments are met with compassion and care!


Check out our YouTube Channel to see ALL of the amazing reasons Why Trochu is a GREAT choice!!


Don’t miss a moment of action at the Trochu Arena this year!

Subscribe to Live Barn and catch all the games from the comfort of your own home!

News & Notices

Winter Snow Fall Reminder

Friday, January 17th

The Town works hard to ensure that snow removal is completed in a timely manner. For the safety of the community, it is imperative that specific areas are cleared first. As such, the Town follows the Snow Removal Policy as approved by Council.

The Town of Trochu will manage snow removal and ice control operations on Town streets, lanes, sidewalks and trails in the most efficient and economically viable manner in accordance with the established service level priorities.

Private sidewalks bordering private property shall be maintained by the owner of the property and snow and ice shall be cleared from these sidewalks within 48 hours of a storm or snowfall.

Be a Snow Angel and help a needy neighbor or contact the town office for a list of names for hire 

Trochu Municipal Library

Thursday, January 16th

2025 Family Fun Day

Monday, January 13th

See All News & Notices ››